Speed of an Object

Concept Explanation

Speed of an Object

Speed is a way of measuring how quickly something is moving or being done, or something moving fast.

Calculation of Speed: We can calculate speed from the given formula.

                                 Speed:= ; frac{Distance}{Time}

The SI unit of speed is meter per second(m/s). We also calculate speed as kilo meter per hour(km/h).

Illustration 1: If a person covers a distance of 15 m in 5 seconds then find out the speed of the person.

Solution: As we know,   

 Speed:= ; frac{Distance}{Time}


  Speed:= ; frac{15}{5}:=:3:m/s

Illustration 2:  A car is moving with a speed of 50 m/s for 20 seconds. Find out the distance covered by the car in given time period.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

A body moves along a straight line starting from point A then passing through Point B and reaches point C in 10 min. The distance between point A and B is 50 m and between B and C is 30 m, then the speed of the body is ___________ ms^{-1}

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

A body moves with a constant speed of 20ms^{-1} for 1 hour.  The distance traveled by the body is _____________________.

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

The distance between two stations is 30 km. If a train moves with a constant speed of 60 km/hr, then the time taken by the train to reach the next station is________________.

Right Option : B
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